
Excursion to a Leading FinTech Solution Provider

Excursion to a Leading FinTech Solution Provider


In a joint project, a group of students from the Bachelor program Business, Economics and Social Sciences (BaWISO) of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) visited in June 2019 one of the leading Austrian FinTech solutions providers, s-IT Solutions. The excursion was part of the Corporate IT II course in the specialization of Business Information Systems.

In this excursion, Dr. Wolfgang Grech, the head of Division Customer Service Delivery of s-IT Solutions introduced the digital banking platform "George" to the students. Dr. Grech explained how state of the art technologies and approaches in corporate IT have been applied during the development of George. Beyond the implementation of technical solutions, it was discussed how novel approaches towards corporate IT management could lead to cultural changes in IT firms, which contribute not only towards a better working environment but consequently also to a better service for the end-users.

Visiting the control center of the George online banking platform was another interesting part of this excursion. Dr. Grech and his team demonstrated how different types of visualizations could ensure the efficient management of a platform with millions of end-users which is expected to guarantee high quality service 24/7. Part of this infrastructure was co-developed with members of the Institute of Information Systems and New Media.

One goal of the excursion was to enable students of the specialization to develop well founded term papers regarding various aspects of the George infrastructure, provided back as input to s-IT. The topics varied from IT transformations and its usability to potential application of hot topics like blockchain and distributed ledger technology to machine-learning approaches.

Considering the highly positive feedback that was received from the students, WU Wien and s-IT Solutions aim to continue this successful project by organizing similar excursions in the next terms. This will enable a continuous collaboration between the two involved leading scientific and IT-industry institutions in Austria.


excursion s-it-solutions

More information regarding the Business Information Systems specialization:

External link:

News Entry at s-IT


Soheil Human <soheil.human{at}>