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Mark Strembeck | Institute for Complex Networks |
xoRBAC - Brief Description:
xoRBAC is an open source software component that
provides a policy monitor (in particular: a policy decision
point with an integrated policy repository) for Role-Based
Access Control (RBAC) policies. xoRBAC is implemented in Extended Object Tcl
(XOTcl) and can be integrated with applications providing C or Tcl
The above figure depicts the conceptual structure of the xoRBAC component. Permissions, roles, and subjects are the basic elements of xoRBAC. The Subject Management subcomponent provides means to manage subjects, that is, the entities that may actively initiate an operation. xoRBAC comprises static and dynamic constraint management as individual subsystems. The Static Constraint Management of xoRBAC is based on permissions and roles and enables the definition of static mutual exclusion (SME) constraints and cardinalities. The Dynamic Constraint Management allows for the definition of context conditions and context constraints. The Role Hierarchy Management uses the static constraint management component to prevent the creation of role hierarchies that are disallowed by the SME constraints or cardinalities within the system. The Access Control Policy Management additionally includes the decision component and the Assignment Unit for permission/role and user/role assignment and activation. The Decision Component contains the Environment Mapping, which captures context information via sensors, and the Constraint Evaluation, which checks if the collected values match the context constraints associated with a certain conditional permission. |
xoRBAC Main Features (in Version 0.7.0):
API Reference:
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xoRBAC API Reference, version 0.7.0, July 2009 (ps, pdf) |
Related Papers and Articles:
(author names on publications before June 2004 appear in alphabetical order)
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Mark Strembeck |