

Showing 31 - 40 of 45 News Articles (full)
The lnstitute for lnformation Systems and New Media (WU Vienna) and AVL List GmbH invite applications for a scientific and technical project-team position (predoc/ postdoc). [more...]

Students enrolled in WU's Master in Information Systems program who are interested in applying for a semester abroad at CMU's Heinz College might be eligible for a scholarship of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation. For details contact Mark Strembeck

Revolution vs. Evolution: Model-Based Engineering and the Industry TUE Nov 6th, 2018 13:30 - 15:00 Room: D2.0.030 [more...]
LinkedIn used billions of data points from its 500+ million members to determine which hard and soft skills are most actively being sought by employers and getting LinkedIn members hired in 2018. [more...]
These emerging and resurging IT roles may be your best path forward in the years to come. [more...]
This report shows the skills shortage is getting worse. [more...]
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