

Showing 31 - 40 of 44 News Articles (full)
The lnstitute for lnformation Systems and New Media (WU Vienna) and AVL List GmbH invite applications for a scientific and technical project-team position (predoc/ postdoc). [more...]

Students enrolled in WU's Master in Information Systems program who are interested in applying for a semester abroad at CMU's Heinz College might be eligible for a scholarship of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation. For details contact Mark Strembeck

Revolution vs. Evolution: Model-Based Engineering and the Industry TUE Nov 6th, 2018 13:30 - 15:00 Room: D2.0.030 [more...]
LinkedIn used billions of data points from its 500+ million members to determine which hard and soft skills are most actively being sought by employers and getting LinkedIn members hired in 2018. [more...]
This report shows the skills shortage is getting worse. [more...]
These emerging and resurging IT roles may be your best path forward in the years to come. [more...]
Was denken Personal-, Finanz- und IT-Verantwortliche über den Einsatz von Cloud-Lösungen in ihren Unternehmen? Das Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Neue Medien der WU führt dazu eine Umfrage durch. Bitte nehmen Sie sich zirka 10 Minuten Zeit, um unsere Fragen zu beantworten. Wir bitten Sie, den Fragebogen bis spätestens 9.6.2017 auszufüllen. [more...]
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