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Call for Paper: Human-centricity in a Sustainable Digital Economy | HICSS54

The 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Mini-track on Human-centricity in a Sustainable Digital Economy | HICSS-54 | January 5 – 8, 2021 | Grand Hyatt Kauai

Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 2020

The internet and the global digital transformation have changed many different aspects of our lives. Not only the economies and the societies but also people’s personal lives have been influenced by this new and ever-emerging era of our history. While the digital age has made it possible to provide novel services and solutions for the end-users, it has also caused serious concerns in different individual and societal levels, such as issues regarding online privacy, algorithmic bias, fairness and accountability of information systems, transparency, governance, and explainability of information systems, end-user manipulations, fake news, traceability, etc. The development of human-centric and end-user empowering information systems can be one approach towards “digital sustainability”, i.e. providing novel and personalized services for the end-users, while considering potential negative multi-dimensional consequences of digital transformation. 

This minitrack aims to attract research that advances the understanding of human-centricity and end-user empowerment in a sustainable digital economy. It adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, which considers human-centricity and end-user empowerment across application domains (e.g. software development, digital commerce, healthcare, administration, mobile apps, social media, and online services). Topics are: 

-       Towards understanding and development of human-centric information systems

-       Evaluation of existing information systems from a human-centric perspective

-       Co-creation and co-production of human-centric sustainable information systems

-       Analysis and design of technologies (e.g. AI, Blockchain) that empower end-users

-       Human-centric end-user agents, AI and machine learning

-       Fairness, transparency, accountability and controllability of information systems

-       Privacy, GDPR, personal data on the Internet, or consent management

-       Legal or economic aspects of human-centricity in information systems

-       Identity and privacy management systems 

-       Business value of human-centric and/or user empowered solutions

-       Sociotechnical studies of human-centricity in information systems

-       Opportunities and challenges of digital behavior change, habit formation, and digital addiction

-       Digital Nudging for increasing social or ecological responsibilities

-       Ethical concerns regarding human-centricity 

Publication of Papers:

HICSS is the #1 Information Systems conference in terms of citations as recorded by Google Scholar. Presented papers will be included in the Proceedings of HICSS-54. Selected papers will be invited for a fast-track in Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business.

Important Dates:

June 15, 2020:            Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)

August 17, 2020:            Notification of Acceptance/Rejection

September 4, 2020:      Deadline for A-M Authors to Submit Revised Manuscript for Review

September 22, 2020:     Deadline for Authors to Submit Final Manuscript for Publication

October 1, 2020:            Deadline for at least one author of to register for HICSS-54

Conference Dates:

January 5 – 8, 2021:    Paper Presentations


Soheil Human, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), Austria

Gustaf Neumann, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), Austria

Rainer Alt, Leipzig University, Germany

About the HICSS Conference:

Since 1968, the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) has been known worldwide as the longest-standing working scientific conferences in Information Technology Management. HICSS provides a highly interactive working environment for top scholars from academia and the industry from over 60 countries to exchange ideas in various areas of information, computer, and system sciences. 

According to Microsoft Academic, HICSS ranks the 36th in terms of citations among 4,444 conferences in all fields worldwide. The Australian Government’s Excellence in Research project (ERA) has given HICSS an “A” rating, one of 32 Information Systems conferences so honored out of 241 (46-B and 146-C ratings). Data supplied by the Australian Research Council, December 2009.

Unique characteristics of the conference include:

  • A matrix structure of tracks and minitracks that enables research on a rich mixture of cutting-edge computer-based applications and technologies.
  • Three days presentations of peer-reviewed papers and discussions in a workshop setting that promotes interaction leading to revised and extended papers that are published in journals, books, and special issues as well as additional research.
  • A full day of Symposia, Workshops, and Tutorials.
  • Keynote addresses and distinguished lectures which explore particularly relevant topics and concepts.
  • Best Paper Awards in each track which recognize superior research performance.
  • HICSS is the #1 IS conference in terms of citations as recorded by Google Scholar.
  • A doctoral consortium that helps participants work with senior scholars on their work-in-progress leading to journal publications.
  • HICSS panels that help shape future research directions.

Author Instructions: 

Mini-track Link:

Download Call for Paper: PDF 

RESPECTeD Project: Really Enforceable Solution to Protect End-users Consent & Tracking Decisions

We are delighted to inform you that the Institute of Information Systems and New Media (WU Wien) in collaboration with the Privacy and Sustainable Computing Lab, the Institute of Information Systems and Society (WU Wien), and NOYB – European Center for Digital Rights ( starts the interdisciplinary research project RESPECTeD. The full title of the project is “Really Enforceable Solution to Protect End-users Consent & Tracking Decisions”. Soheil Human and Ben Wagner are the project leads representing WU Wien and Max Schrems is the project lead from the NOYB-side. The project is funded by the NetIdee programme of Internet Privatstiftung Austria (IPA)

Respected Project

Project Motivations

RESPECTeD tackles a wide range of ongoing privacy-related issues on Internet, among others:
1. providing consents on the Internet is a time and expertise-demanding task which cannot correctly be performed by most of the users,
2. withdrawing consents is normally a sophisticated task,
3. the existing anti-tracking mechanisms (e.g. W3C’s Tracking Preference Expression – DNT) are not legally enforceable and are in many cases ignored by the service providers. 
We aim to develop a mechanism to address these issues.

Project Goal

Based on an extensive study of existing patterns of tracking, we develop a detailed standard mechanism for communicating users consent and tracking decisions via HTTP headers. Moreover, a set of client-side and server-side software (e.g. web-browser plugins) support the legal enforcement of the expressed consents, e.g. by sending the required identifiers or legally binding emails.

Target Group of the Project

Almost everyone on Internet can be considered as the target group of the project: 
1) end-users will finally have a mechanism to express their consent and tracking decisions in a manner, which not only is human-cetnric, user-friendly and easy- to-use, but also lawfully and technically enforceable;
2) service providers (data controllers) will be provided by a clearly defined technical mechanism and supporting codes to gain and respect user consents;
3) NGOs will be provide mechanisms to track which data-controllers do not comply the GDPR.

More information about the project will be published on:

GamIng-Workshop for learning the Gamification concept and designing an educational game

The GamIng project team at the Institute of Information Systems and New Media is developing a game for the BIS-1 course. We would like to invite interested students to support us for designing the game. In order to have you on board, we organize the GamIng-Workshop held on 04.12.2019, 14:00 to 16:00 in Sitzungssaal 6. 

If you are interested in the GamIng project and would like to register for the workshop, please drop a message to Marjan Khobreh, 

Gaming Poster

Please find more information about the project here:

Supporting Educators’ Pedagogical Activities with 360°-Video (SEPA360)

We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Information Systems and New Media (WU Vienna), together with four other European partner universities from the UK (coordinating partner), Belgium, Italy and Greece, are starting their work on the European funded Erasmus+ project with the title “Supporting Educators’ Pedagogical Activities with 360°-Video” (SEPA360). The project was initiated in September 2019 and has a duration of 3 years until August 2022.

SEPA360 addresses lecturers, researchers and universities working, or looking to engage with new and innovative learning opportunities introduced through 360°-video technology. The project aims to demonstrate how the effective use of 360°-video can support and enhance the learning of university students by immersing them in real life video scenarios that they can manipulate to view as if they were actually there. The partners are developing a unique interactive platform for selected video scenarios that will allow lecturers to embed hotspots, hyperlinks and other interactive media within a 360°-video and will also track interactions and movements through these scenarios.

SEPA360 Project


The University of Hull, UK: project coordinator with expertise in digital and mobile learning; immersive learning environments and participatory research methodologies

PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hasselt, Belgium: expertise in teacher education; digital technology and 360 video; project management and technical infrastructure (responsible for developing the Vivista 360 video platform)

Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria: expertise in interactive video and 360 video; higher education pedagogies and project management

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece: expertise in Sports science and management; European project management; dissemination and quality assurance

University of Florence, Italy: expertise in teaching and learning; digital technologies in learning; higher education pedagogies, project management

Project Aim

The project aims to develop the digital capabilities of university teachers so they can exploit the affordances of 360°-video to improve students’ abilities to transfer their learning in unfamiliar settings.

Project Objectives

  • Enhance the capacity of lecturers to create and use 360°-video effectively as a teaching and learning tool.
  • Enhance the capacity of lecturers to use an online 360°-video platform to add additional interactivity for students.
  • Improve university students’ confidence and capability when operating in real-world situations.
  • Enhance the ability of university decision-makers to embed 360°-video as a teaching and learning tool across a strategic level in their institutions.

More information about the project will be published on: 

Excursion to a Leading FinTech Solution Provider

Excursion to a Leading FinTech Solution Provider


In a joint project, a group of students from the Bachelor program Business, Economics and Social Sciences (BaWISO) of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) visited in June 2019 one of the leading Austrian FinTech solutions providers, s-IT Solutions. The excursion was part of the Corporate IT II course in the specialization of Business Information Systems.

In this excursion, Dr. Wolfgang Grech, the head of Division Customer Service Delivery of s-IT Solutions introduced the digital banking platform "George" to the students. Dr. Grech explained how state of the art technologies and approaches in corporate IT have been applied during the development of George. Beyond the implementation of technical solutions, it was discussed how novel approaches towards corporate IT management could lead to cultural changes in IT firms, which contribute not only towards a better working environment but consequently also to a better service for the end-users.

Visiting the control center of the George online banking platform was another interesting part of this excursion. Dr. Grech and his team demonstrated how different types of visualizations could ensure the efficient management of a platform with millions of end-users which is expected to guarantee high quality service 24/7. Part of this infrastructure was co-developed with members of the Institute of Information Systems and New Media.

One goal of the excursion was to enable students of the specialization to develop well founded term papers regarding various aspects of the George infrastructure, provided back as input to s-IT. The topics varied from IT transformations and its usability to potential application of hot topics like blockchain and distributed ledger technology to machine-learning approaches.

Considering the highly positive feedback that was received from the students, WU Wien and s-IT Solutions aim to continue this successful project by organizing similar excursions in the next terms. This will enable a continuous collaboration between the two involved leading scientific and IT-industry institutions in Austria.


excursion s-it-solutions

More information regarding the Business Information Systems specialization:

External link:

News Entry at s-IT


Soheil Human <soheil.human{at}>



Soheil Human and Gustaf Neumann from the Institute for Information Systems and New Media of Vienna University of Economics and Business in collaboration with Rainer Alt from the Information Systems Institute of Leipzig University chair a mini-track on END-USER EMPOWERMENT IN THE DIGITAL AGE at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020. Here is the call for papers:

Information technologies are known to shift the control on traditional organizational processes to the user. Among the examples are comparison sites or configurators in electronic commerce, citizen self-services in e-government or social media platforms in industries, such as finance, health or politics. Increasingly, solutions have become available that enable users to actively manage their identities, which are used by the various digital services. Self-sovereign identities or personal data stores point in the direction of reverse customer relationship management and allow end users (e.g. citizens, consumers, patients) to control their disclosed data. In addition, users could combine offerings from various service providers along their usage processes (e.g. customer journeys). End-user empowerment therefore might lead to a paradigm shift where processes are not controlled by service providers, but by service customers. 

This minitrack aims to attract research that advances the understanding of user empowerment in the digital economy. It adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, which considers user empowerment across application domains (e.g. software development, digital commerce, healthcare, administration). Topics are:

  • Identity management systems and privacy management systems for end-user empowerment
  • Novel technologies for managing identities and user attributes (e.g. Blockcerts)
  • Decoupling applications from the data they produce
  • Approaches for business applications, where users can retain ownership over their data
  • Accountability of information systems
  • Empirical evidence regarding the need for end-user empowerment
  • Privacy as a value for customers
  • Business value of user empowered solutions
  • Network effects of identity management systems
  • Cognitive and human-centric solutions for identity management, consent management, and end-user empowerment
  • Human-centric Personal Data Ecosystems
  • Concepts for user empowerment, such as reverse CRM or customer-dominant logic


Rainer Alt, Leipzig University, Germany

Soheil Human, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), Austria

Gustaf Neumann, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), Austria

Publication of Papers

Presented papers will be included in the Proceedings of HICSS-53. Selected papers will be invited for a fast-track in Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business.

Important Dates

April 20, 2019: Beginning of Submission Period

June 15, 2019: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)

August 17, 2019: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection

September 22, 2019: Deadline for Final Manuscript

October 1, 2019: Deadline for at least one author to register

Conference Dates

January 8-10, 2020:  Paper Presentations

Author Instructions


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